Distillation Treatment and Removal of Contaminants from Drinking Water
Distillation treatment typically removes most of the dissolved materials. In addition, the boiling process kills biological contaminants. Nevertheless, there are certain volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds that may not be removed by distillation (CDPH 2009). Organic compounds that boil at temperatures greater than the boiling point of water (some pesticides) can be effectively removed from the water (MSUE 2003). Organic compounds that boil at temperatures lower than the boiling point of water (ex., benzene and toluene) will be vaporized along with the water. If these harmful compounds are not removed prior to condensation, they will remain in the purified product (MSUE 2003).
Arsenic Contamination In Groundwater In Bangladesh: An Environmental And Social Disaster
Before 1971 (Year of independence from Pakisthan), thousand of people died each year due to water born diseases in Bangladesh. To provide safe water, with help of UNECEF, the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) installed millions of tubewell which ensured safe drinking water to 97% population of Bangladesh. When the people are habituated with tubewell water, then in 1993, the people of Bangladesh discover the silent killer, the Arsenic. It becomes a challenge to an excellent public health success story. This paper has reviewed environmental and social implication of Arsenic in Bangladesh