Interview with Marcos von Sperling
After over 40 years in the field of wastewater treatment and publishing seven Open Access textbooks with IWA Publishing, Journal of Water, Sanitation & Development Editor Marcos von Sperling shares his thoughts on the future of wastewater treatment ahead of his retirement in September.
IWA Young Water Professionals: Spotlight Blog #9
Our 9th Young Water Professional's Spotlight Blog comes from Marco Gabrielli, who is currently studying for a PhD in Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Marco is also a member of the steering committee the new for Italian Young Water Professionals (YWP) chapter.
World Health Day 2022 - Our Planet, Our Health
Thursday 7th April is World Health Day, a day celebrated annually with each year drawing attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. The topic this year is 'Our Planet, Our Health'.
World Water Day Blog Spot - Has COVID-19 increased water pollution?
Rama Pulicharla (York University, Canada) has written the second of our two guest blog spots in celebration of World Water Day. In this post, Rama discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has had a mixed impact on the environment and how we should take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from mistakes and build on the positive effects which resulted from restrictions.
World Water Day Blog Spot - Managing the Pandemic: Use of WBE and Examples from Canada
Gamze Kirim and Jean-David Therrien (modelEAU, Université Laval and CentrEau, Quebec Water Research Centre) have written one of our two guest blog spots in celebration of World Water Day. In their post, Gamze and Jean-David discuss how the pandemic demonstrated the efficacy of Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), how WBE is being used in Canada today, and the importance of continuing to adapt and innovate this technology for the future.
WST Editor's Choice Paper #57
The 57th Editor's Choice Paper from Water Science & Technology has been chosen!
Why Subscribe to Open? New Editorial from Editors-in-Chief
Editors-in-Chief of IWA Publishing journals have collaborated on an Editorial to celebrate the move to a new Open Access model: Subscribe to Open (S2O).
IWA Publishing transforms all journals to Open Access
IWA Publishing has successfully transformed its journal portfolio of 10 subscription titles to Open Access (OA) from 2021 onwards via a pioneering Subscribe-to-Open model.
IWA Publishing Open Access Townhall
Join us as we discuss how and why IWA Publishing plans to become completely Open Access through a ‘Subscribe to Open’ (S2O) model from 1 January 2021. We welcome any and all participants eager to learn more about Open Access – ask anything of our panellists representing various perspectives from the membership to publisher, researcher to journal editor.
Water Science & Technology: Reviewer of the Year!
IWA Publishing is thrilled to announce the winners of the first 'Reviewer of the Year' award for Water Science & Technology!